fredag 20 mars 2015

I have opened a web-shop

Welcome to my web site where you can order your copy of my brand new CD Vida.

I'm deeply grateful for the big interest I've seen so far. Thank you all who has bought the cd and thank you for beautiful words about what you feel about my music :-)

164 SEK including shipping within Sweden.
Shipping abroad depends on where you are.

12 newly composed songs with my own lyrics.

Just a coincident, or not?
On the same day of the release of Vida I got a letter from SA, with Nelson Mandela stamp and all. My pen pal Paul Hanmer is one of the long time friends who have inspired me to step up and compose and record, release my own album. During many years we have send music and letters to each other, toured and made concerts in both South Africa and Sweden, composed and recorded together.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Härligt Eva, grattis! Sammanträffanden gillar jag skarpt. Kram från Norduppland

  2. Tack Elisabet! Ja visst är det härligt med sammanträffanden. Och överraskningar :-) Kram till dig!
