fredag 31 oktober 2014

Further and beyond at Studio Epidemin

Dear music family!!!

Deeply thankful for luminous musicbuilding at Studio Epidemin the last three days.
Mission compleeted!
I'm so exited to unfold my songs to new horizons with Mattias Pèrez and Anders Jormin!
Sound engineer Petter Ericsson has pushed us with his groovy sense of humor.

I'm truly blessed with the finest musicians around me!
For their amazing help and ideas adding on to mine. 
Putting my songs in the hands of two gentlemen, two souls full of never ending music.
Guitar wizard and yoda of the double base.
I could never have imagined the music that has emerged during the past three days. Even if preparation time was well done and heart opening, one can never predict what's going to happen in the studio when three music universes collide.
In the moment.

The muses has been watching over us as we've embarked on this journey together.

I am happy tired over the edge.


Petter Ericsson & Mattias Pèrez

"I think we have all had the experience of losing ourselves in music.
Where you are just taken away into the sound.
And then where are you?
Where are ‘YOU?’
When you’re not there, that IS ultimate reality.
It’s so beautiful; it’s all around us all the time, it’s available to us all the time."

— Lama Marut

Anders Jormin.

tisdag 28 oktober 2014

Going in tomorrow. Homebound.

dear heart.

C. S. Lewis

Tomorrow Wednesday is day one for us recording.
Pictures from last time in the same studio, when Irmelin recorded North Sea Stories.
At that time also with sound engineer Petter Ericsson.
Now with Mattias Pèrez on guitars, and Anders Jormin on double base. My heart is filled with joy to make music with them.

Studio time is a little bit like leaving the rest of the world for a while.
I got this feeling that it will be like coming home.
My home lands, the music.
My refuge.
I don't say it's without struggles.
It's never easy to stand there with your heart in your hand.

"You find the way, daughter of the forest. Through grief and pain, through many trials, through betrayal and loss, your feet will walk a straight path."

Juliet Marillier, Daughter of the Forest.

Petter Ericsson at Studio Epidemin, Göteborg.


måndag 27 oktober 2014

Open the door to the new. Open the window to the soul.

To do list

* Play with my dog
* Bring the yogi-tea
* Give all I have
* Forget perfection
* Grow wings
* Put flowers in my hair
* Embrace the unknown
* Enjoy the grey zones

It's not the end, it's just a change.

you need
in your soul
to give birth to
a dancing

Friedrich Nietzsche

Wednesday this week is first day in Studio Epidemin. Recording with Mattias Pèrez and Anders Jormin.
Tonight I will meet Anders shortly for an additional rehearsing. To try out some new ideas for one of the songs.

Small adjustments happen still within the lyrics.
Improvisation (winging the songs) happen more and more,
like young birds ready to fly.
To leave the nest.


lördag 25 oktober 2014

Four days from now

"It is allowed to invent new verbs?
I want to create one for you:
I sky you, so that my wings
may stretch out
to love you
without boundaries."

               Frida Kahlo

What does it mean to record?
The word comes from latin. Re means again, cord means heart/soul.
Bringing it back into your heart, remembering it.

Today I will bring the songs out for a forest session. I often sing the songs when I'm outdoor.
That's where I get inspiration, strength, ideas.
There are multiple ways of spending time with my songs now. The story telling part, the voice technical part, the creative part, the soul-part.

A couple of weeks ago I put focus on one song per day. Now I do 4-5 songs in my practice in a day. About the same as will be done in the studio, hopefully 4 songs a day.


fredag 24 oktober 2014

In five days

Don't bend, don't water it down, don't try to make it logical,
don't edit your own soul according to the fashion.
Rather, follow your most intense obsession mercilessly.

Franz Kafka

In five days I will start recording together with my dream team.
I'm happy to be part of my own CD :-)
Mattias Perèz on guitars, Anders Jormin on double base.
Petter Ericsson sound engineer.
At Studio Epidemin, Gothenburg.

Thank you guys for accepting my invitation to be part of this project!
All in all, it's a play.
We'll play.
Let's play with the thought
of growing wings.


September 2009, Faroe Islands. First lines of a song for my coming CD started here.