söndag 7 december 2014

Evas julklappstips 2014

Hej julklappstider!
Vi ska nog komma överens i år igen.

Jag väljer gärna att stötta lokala små företag, artister, konsthantverkare och konstnärer.
Eller önskar mig såna julklappar.

Vill gärna dela med mig av några idéer och inriktningar.
Stötta lilla lanthandeln istället för stora varuhuset.
Köp mathantverk och varor direkt hos bonden.
För er som bor i Falun/Enviken, köp julklappar hos Pia i Övertänger.
Högt på min önskelista står en påse med förbrukningsvaror (te, kaffe, kryddor, torrvaror, choklad....) från Handlarn i Övertänger. Bästa service, bra sortiment, bästa knutpunkten i byn. Oumbärligt för de äldre.

I vår globala värld finns också jättefina möjligheter att bidra till att minska fattigdom.
Köp fair trade.
Jag har hittat ett jättespännande företag, Sseko i Uganda som tillverkar så fina skor, väskor, armband,  med jätteviktigt manifest.

En favorit, köp julklappar second hand för att inte bidra till klimatpåfrestningar. 

Anna-Lena Dancy koppar och pralinfat.

Göteborg: Anna-Lena Dancy keramik
Handdrejat är underbara julklappar. Vackra koppar, sköna i handen.
Hennes hemsida hittar du här.

Göteborg: Lohrs PocketMedMera. Deras hemsida hittar du här.
Böcker är underbara julklappar! Läs bra böcker, ställ stora frågor.
Välj att stötta en liten bokhandel fri från de stora bokkedjornas kedjor. En oberoende, privatägd bokhandel.
Här finns mycket mer än böcker, som t ex författaraftnar, utställningar av lokala konstnärer, gött kaffe.
Personlig service. En oas vid Landala torg i Göteborg.

Köp cds av dina favoritmusiker.
Se gärna om de har egna hemsidor där du kan beställa deras cd.
Eller finns utgivna på skivbolag som säljer fysiska ex.
Det är absolut det bästa sättet att stötta den artist du gillar.
Ersättningen från spotify är minimalistiskt låg.

Min sångbok Bröllopssånger och kärleksvisor.
En användbar bok med radikalt kärleksfullt innehåll.
För vardag och fest.
Vackert formgiven av Gabriella Persson.
Beställ av mig via epost info@evarune.se

Sseko Design, hemsidan hittar du här.
Skor, väskor, schalar, armband producerade av kvinnor på väg in i universitetsstudier.
Ett fenomenalt projekt att säkra att de drivna unga kvinnorna kan fullfölja sina drömmar
om högre utbildning och en väg in i yrkesliv med rätt lön och arbetsvillkor.
Se filmen: 

Att ge bort upplevelser, inspiration, nya kunskaper är också väldigt uppskattat.

Göteborg: Körsång i kören Lei-La.
Sjung i kör, utan noter, öppet för alla som vill sjunga folkmusik med mig.
12 tisdagar per termin. Ca en konsert per termin.
Vår kör-blogg hittar du här.

Göteborg: Lektioner i Alexanderteknik.
Barbro Olsson på youtube här.
Och hemsidan hittar du

Göteborg: Lektioner i basal kroppskännedom.
Full av kraft. 

Christina Fors håller kurser du kan läsa om här.


måndag 1 december 2014

Exited to share happy news!

Happy news on the first of December!
I wish to give a big THANK YOU to Swedish Arts Council for the support I've been honoured for my upcoming solo-album in hard competition with many a fine music project. I am totally filled with joy for this. It's highly appreciated, so thank you thank you!

The music is recorded together with Mattias Pèrez on guitars and Anders Jormin on double base in October at Studio Epidemin. Petter Eriksson is our sound man.
My own compositions, my lyrics, and a wave of inspiration and musical ideas shared among the three of us. Thank you Mattias and Anders for bringing in your voices in the swirl.

We are so exited to share it all with you!
Stay tuned for more.


Mattias Pèrez at Epidemin in October.

Recording mood at Studio Epidemin in October.

måndag 24 november 2014

Voicing - meeting - sharing - circle Folk Voice Tradition 2014

Giving and taking in its most beautiful form. Mutual inspiration!

Folk Voice Tradition 2014

On the last day of our conference we did reflections and circle talking about how to proceed. How can we build stronger circles and voice the tacit knowledge we share? Very empowering! Wordsmith and painting artist Malin Sverige showed us beautiful paintings she created in our conference, her reflection. When her pictures was displayed the whole room started to sing in a collective improvisation.

I wonder how this could be possible in any other conference?

The past weekend I spend time in Stockholm with an amazing gathering of the tribe of folk singers. I'm been awestruck by the power and creativity, filled with new inspiration.

Reunion of friends I've known since many years. Friends from my time as student at KMH (Royal College of Music) Friends from the first ever, the glorious, the turning point: Ethno -90.
Irmelin songsisters, great to be here all the three of us!

And happy to make new friends!

We had to use english as the official language since we speake so many languages in this group and not all of us share the same language root. Finnish, Latvian, Estonian and Scandinavian languages.

I have to say that listening to the songs I couldn't follow the lyrics was maybe the most memorable for me in the concerts. Music has the power to take a grip even if there's no common language. Music is the common language and it speaks clearly about what it is to be a human.

A warm big THANK YOU to Susanne Rosenberg and the crew for empowering the diverse family of singers, storytellers, artists, holistic improvisators.


Sitting on the train up to Stockholm, enjoying the November peace. Working on the order of songs for my new album.

KMH, The Royal College of Music in Stockholm. Old meets new.

Singers from Sibelius Academy in Helsinki in a song of lamentation.

Singers from Latvia, amazing vocal traditions!

fredag 31 oktober 2014

Further and beyond at Studio Epidemin

Dear music family!!!

Deeply thankful for luminous musicbuilding at Studio Epidemin the last three days.
Mission compleeted!
I'm so exited to unfold my songs to new horizons with Mattias Pèrez and Anders Jormin!
Sound engineer Petter Ericsson has pushed us with his groovy sense of humor.

I'm truly blessed with the finest musicians around me!
For their amazing help and ideas adding on to mine. 
Putting my songs in the hands of two gentlemen, two souls full of never ending music.
Guitar wizard and yoda of the double base.
I could never have imagined the music that has emerged during the past three days. Even if preparation time was well done and heart opening, one can never predict what's going to happen in the studio when three music universes collide.
In the moment.

The muses has been watching over us as we've embarked on this journey together.

I am happy tired over the edge.


Petter Ericsson & Mattias Pèrez

"I think we have all had the experience of losing ourselves in music.
Where you are just taken away into the sound.
And then where are you?
Where are ‘YOU?’
When you’re not there, that IS ultimate reality.
It’s so beautiful; it’s all around us all the time, it’s available to us all the time."

— Lama Marut

Anders Jormin.

tisdag 28 oktober 2014

Going in tomorrow. Homebound.

dear heart.

C. S. Lewis

Tomorrow Wednesday is day one for us recording.
Pictures from last time in the same studio, when Irmelin recorded North Sea Stories.
At that time also with sound engineer Petter Ericsson.
Now with Mattias Pèrez on guitars, and Anders Jormin on double base. My heart is filled with joy to make music with them.

Studio time is a little bit like leaving the rest of the world for a while.
I got this feeling that it will be like coming home.
My home lands, the music.
My refuge.
I don't say it's without struggles.
It's never easy to stand there with your heart in your hand.

"You find the way, daughter of the forest. Through grief and pain, through many trials, through betrayal and loss, your feet will walk a straight path."

Juliet Marillier, Daughter of the Forest.

Petter Ericsson at Studio Epidemin, Göteborg.


måndag 27 oktober 2014

Open the door to the new. Open the window to the soul.

To do list

* Play with my dog
* Bring the yogi-tea
* Give all I have
* Forget perfection
* Grow wings
* Put flowers in my hair
* Embrace the unknown
* Enjoy the grey zones

It's not the end, it's just a change.

you need
in your soul
to give birth to
a dancing

Friedrich Nietzsche

Wednesday this week is first day in Studio Epidemin. Recording with Mattias Pèrez and Anders Jormin.
Tonight I will meet Anders shortly for an additional rehearsing. To try out some new ideas for one of the songs.

Small adjustments happen still within the lyrics.
Improvisation (winging the songs) happen more and more,
like young birds ready to fly.
To leave the nest.


lördag 25 oktober 2014

Four days from now

"It is allowed to invent new verbs?
I want to create one for you:
I sky you, so that my wings
may stretch out
to love you
without boundaries."

               Frida Kahlo

What does it mean to record?
The word comes from latin. Re means again, cord means heart/soul.
Bringing it back into your heart, remembering it.

Today I will bring the songs out for a forest session. I often sing the songs when I'm outdoor.
That's where I get inspiration, strength, ideas.
There are multiple ways of spending time with my songs now. The story telling part, the voice technical part, the creative part, the soul-part.

A couple of weeks ago I put focus on one song per day. Now I do 4-5 songs in my practice in a day. About the same as will be done in the studio, hopefully 4 songs a day.


fredag 24 oktober 2014

In five days

Don't bend, don't water it down, don't try to make it logical,
don't edit your own soul according to the fashion.
Rather, follow your most intense obsession mercilessly.

Franz Kafka

In five days I will start recording together with my dream team.
I'm happy to be part of my own CD :-)
Mattias Perèz on guitars, Anders Jormin on double base.
Petter Ericsson sound engineer.
At Studio Epidemin, Gothenburg.

Thank you guys for accepting my invitation to be part of this project!
All in all, it's a play.
We'll play.
Let's play with the thought
of growing wings.


September 2009, Faroe Islands. First lines of a song for my coming CD started here.

tisdag 16 september 2014

Silence and sound

Women who run their own business...
In this old photo is my grand dad Sven, sitting on the table, and his mother Emma, sitting on the chair. Emma was like me and many other, a single mother with her own business.
Emma, the daughter of a miner.

Today I've been doing parts of the business side of my project of producing a solo album. I have compleeted and send in an application to the Swedish Arts Council. Deadline for this application is tomorrow. I have never written such an application before, and now I aim to release a cd on my own label. So it's up to me to take care that I at least send in an application. Competition is sky high but if you don't try you don't get anything anyway.

Here's the art side of the cd. Lyrics I have been working on since 18 month back now, some parts of it even older.


söndag 7 september 2014

Petrichor - the scent of rain

My daily joy.

My daily challenge.

Creating my own music.

So this is the first announcement, I will record a solo album by the end of October this year.

And it's the first album on my own label.

After a long row of amazing collaborations I have decided to do something like this. Channel all the lyrics and melodies that I have made myself.

When I look at all the twelve songs I have choosen for this album, I notice there's rain in several of them.

Rain as the sign of freedom, water of life, of relief.

And there's a lot more coming too. I go to my roots, I have a lot of inspiration from my mountains where i grew up. It's also about dance.

I will let you know more as the work proceeds.
You are most welcome to  check my blog for more updates around this new baby of mine.


måndag 25 augusti 2014

Lightenings in the sky over Gothenburg

It was really spot on, in connection with my Tove Jansson celebration weekend. I imagine this was the celebration for the hatifnatts.

From my balcony yesterday late dark evening.
No rain.
Hardly no thunder.
But many lightenings high up in the clouds.

lördag 9 augusti 2014

August 9, Tove Jansson birthday

With all my heart I want to celebrate the author and artist Tove Jansson who would have turned 100 years today. She's one of my house godesses.

Tonight we celebrate Tove and raise a glass of apple lemonade in her honour.

As a sign of my affection of her work and life I have been to the forest today and enjoyed an enchanted moment with my daugther and our little dog. Walking back home in the light rain of a summer afternoon. That we fancy rain might be one of the links back to Tove Jansson's writings. In her books the stormy and rainy weather is just making people more filled with energy and adventure.

I brought a water lily and some spicy scented myrica for Tove.

In my young years my mother used to read loud from Tove's books in the evenings. It was a casual and yet highly appreciated little reading ceremony we did every evening. Gathered around the kitchen table we sat listening to the advetures of all the creatures and animals living in Moomin valley.

Later on I read some of her other books. And books about her and her artistry. Once I have seen her paintings in an exhibition at Millesgården. Fantastic!

Earlier today I enjoyed going to the local second hand market. I found two green silk tops and a white lovely transparent blouse with embroidery on the back. The shirt is smaragd green, and that is a color for Tove, I think. In her writing Tove is very specific with colors.

I also found two tea cups of the kind my grand mother Agnes always used.


tisdag 15 juli 2014

Yoda of the scythe

It totally made my day, meeting with master Birger.
We sat talking about how to cut the meadow with a scythe. All about technique, weather conditions, general advice, and how to maintain the scythe and make it sharp.

Birger went after his best scythe, the one he used in competitions as well as in daily work on his farm lands.
Carefully cutting the grass, beautiful and neat.
He also let me cut the grass and corrected my technique. The tip of the blade must be more parallell to the ground. He make half moon shaped cuttings but slightly shorter from side to side than I tried to do it before.
It was truly a special feeling to hold on to this scythe that has served so long in his masters hands. As if the iron handles had softened and transformed in the contact with human hand.
Birgers lovely wife Terese came to sit with us too and we all had a good talk in the summer afternoon.

I was suggested to go to Birger if I wanted to know deeply about the traditions. He's the elder, the knowledge holder of the traditions that passed down in generations. He had a lot to tell, I say! This is indigenous knowledge for me, connected to the life in harmony with nature here in the north. Connected to my family roots of farmers in Dalarna.

Birger with his scythe.

Birger gave me this whetstone to sharpen my scythe. An honour to be given such!

A rose that unfolded this morning in my garden.

fredag 11 juli 2014

Summer workshop week with Myst

Music is in the air.
Myst have had a week together in Göteborg. Long time no see, but now we've had full days of digging into our music again.

God is in the small details.....

Three days rehearsals and two days recording. One new song has seen the light, Ahmad wrote the piece and Eva added some lyrics. It's called "A Song I Wrote For You".

Seven songs from our repertoir last year has been recorded for demo, that makes eight songs all in all this week.
Here's some pics from work in the studio:
Martin and his new tattoo.

Youssef Hbeisch, percussion.

Ahmad Al Khatib, oud.

Martin Holmlund, double bas. Sara Nilsson, violin.

Eva Rune, vocals.

fredag 13 juni 2014

Pure love for sounds and voices

The creative has a good soil here.
Key persons make a huge contribution in bringing the good things together. Thank you so much initiative makers, crew and leaders of this lovely voice festival, Naturstimmen - Klangfestival in Alt St. Johann, Toggenburg.
The pure love for sounds and voices made a great impact on me.
For example:
This house with a black smith on the bottom floor, powered by a water wheel. Water and fire energy steaming up in the rest of the house.
On the other floors in the house it was room after room filled with  music of many kind. Music therapy, music exploring, music to touch and be touched by. Instruments with pentatonic scales so beginners can feel the happiness of being creative with tones. And vibrations.
On the top floor Irmelin had our course every morning, sharing the songs of the north. Thank you participants who signed up to spend four whole days with us. We had a lovely time with you!

Here's Bernhard Betschart performing his pure yodel from Muotathal. Irmelin had the pleasure to perform together with him on the night out at the lake Schwendisee in the Alps of Toggenburg. Nature gave us blessings of rain and it was pure life being there listening to Beny's yodel answering in with our shepherd calls from the north.

“Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?”
― Mary Oliver

After Toggenburg I continued to Hochdorf to work with cellist Annika Dobler, a long time music partner. We were both members of Rosenbergs Sjua and have several tours together all around in many countries.
The magic linden tree in their garden. Perfect for en evening session with music in the garden.

Last concert was performed in a local church in Hochdorf in the morning, Annika and me singing away in a non-picture-only-colors-and-shapes reformert church. It was a cleansing experince and very etheric.
Then finally, time to just relax!
On my last day in Switzerland I had an afternoon & evening free. We took the train to Luzern. Annika and Alain showed me around to their get-away-places of tranquility in the middle of a city.
Seebad in Luzern.
Seebad in Luzern. My friends grandmother used to come here every day.

My first swim for this summer, in Lake Luzern.

Strolling the streets of Luzern on a summer evening.

Have a beautiful day out there!

onsdag 4 juni 2014

Klangfestival Naturstimmen in Toggenburg, Schweiz, here we come!

Dear folks, Irmelin is on a lovely and powerful journey in Toggenburg, Switzerland. Seeing old friends and making new friends. We have learned how the deep, gritty, real old school yodel goes. Going wild. We have shaken hands with the local people and heard the cow bells from morning to night on the mountain slopes. The real deal.
We have made concert and shared moments of thrill when our calls tear the air, when our soft songs whisperes in your hearts. In the meeting with you lovely audience, we create together. A special song for someone special. It's only happening here and now.

Six brave and skilled students, each one with power in her voice, are in our course of swedish shepherd calls & diddling dance tunes. We are so grateful for being here.

Last night we did our out door concert with voices in shepherd calls, alps, cow horn, natur juuz. Thank you all for coming out there, I think we all felt deep in our hearts how nature and humans and animals are all one together.
A room with a view.

"Disbelief in magic can force a poor soul into believing in government and business.” ― Tom Robbins

This machine cleanse your soul.

Participants and Irmelin in our voice course at Naturstimmen Festival 2014.