måndag 28 maj 2012

Sommarkonserter 2012

Glad försommar!

Nu när jag tittar både framåt och bakåt finns det så mycket som jag gärna vill dela med mig av. Det fyller mig med tacksamhet till familj, vänner, arbetskamrater i musiken, publik, och sångelever. Utan er hade det inte varit nåt!
Under mina resor har det också blivit flera nya upptäckter på spännande musik, som nu snurrar ofta i min skivspelare. För att bara nämna några favoriter:

Maria Misgeld och band, CD Romans i moll. Äntligen uppföljaren till Margits sånger!
John Doyle, från Irland, CD Shadow and light.
Moses Higtower, från Island. CD Búum til börn

Här är några av mina favoritinspiratörer, i olika kategorier. Människor som förverkligar sina drömmar och har ett vackert och roligt sätt att berätta om dem.

Equilibrium: Min lärare i alexanderteknik, Barbro Olsson, skriver om balans i kroppen och tillvaron, utifrån sin långa erfarenhet som alexandertekniklärare. Dessutom ger hon många fina tips om andra kreativa och inspirerande människor. http://www.alexandertechnique.se/

Drömma - lite som du... Fantastiskt vackert foto på denna blogg. Jag älskar att titta på alla klänningar och kjolar som Lotta har på sig. Hon skriver rakt på sak om sitt eget liv. http://www.dromma.se/

Täpp Lars, skinnskräddare och konsthantverkare. Fäbodbrukare på somrarna. Inspiratör för många. www.larsofscandinavia.com

Och här kommer den roliga sommarturnén:

29 maj Irmelin på Arbetets Museum i Norrköpin kl 18

16 juni "Vi segla ut på livets hav", kurs i bröllopssånger och kärleksvisor i Övertänger, kl 10-15

17 juni Kulningskurs i Övertänger, kl 10-15.

23 juni Ödsmåls kyrka i Stenungsund tillsammans med Gunnar Eriksson och Göteborgs Kammarkör. Kl 19

17 juli Irmelin i Stora Mellby kyrka, Sollebrunn. Kl 20

22 juli invigningskonsert Sommarjazzen, tillsammans med Bengt Hallberg, legendarisk pianist, Ljungkile. Ljungskilegården kl 20.

28 juli Irmelin i Sölvesborg.

2 aug Irmelin i Orsa kyrka. Kl 20

9 aug Irmelin i Rättvik på Nyfiken, Gammelgården, kl 19.

19 aug Nordic Wedding Music, Insikten, Trollhättan. Kl

Konserten den 22 juli vill jag berätta lite mer om. Jag har blivit uppringd och ombedd att göra öppningskonsert tillsammans med Bengt Hallberg, denna emininente gentleman till pianist-legend, under Sommarjazzen anordnad av L'Jazz i Ljungskile. Vi har fria händer att göra en jazzkonsert i folkton, det är nästan för stort och jag försöker förhålla mig med barnslig glädje att helt enkelt passa på att göra musik på ett lekfullt sätt. Men det är alltid väldigt speciellt att ha premiär på ett program man aldrig gjort förut, att spela med en av de främsta inom sitt gebit, och som jag dessutom beundrar nåt alldeles ohämmat. Bengt och jag gjorde en duo-låt under julkonsert i Ljungs kyrka, "En gång i bredd med mig" efter Anna Sjöbom. Den upplevelsen glömmer jag aldrig. Bengts pianospel är så fint utmejslat som bara hans långa karriär och erfarenhet kan vaska fram.

De andra sommarkonserterna har givetvis lika mycket plats i mitt hjärta, man älskar alla sina barn så att säga. Gunnar och kören, Irmelin och Nordic Wedding Music, och de härliga sommarkurserna i min egen stuga i Övertänger. Varmt välkomna att lyssna och delta, hoppas vi ses någonstans i sommarvimlet.

Bland dessa kommande nyheter vill jag gärna också säga att sångboken "Bröllopssånger och kärleksvisor" kommer att färdigställas i juni, då vi tar foton med våra vänner som modeller. Ett foto för varje kapitel, vart och ett foto gestaltar en fras ur en noga utvald sång. Vi har under de senaste 12 månaderna kommit in i mer konkret kreativ fas av vad foton i boken ska gestalta. Det är en väldigt stor glädje att jobba med så kunniga medarbetare som var och en har lång erfarenhet, Gabriella Persson formgivare, Janne Mellqvist fotograf, och Eva Petrén, stylist. Det har öppnat upp för mig helt nya sätt att skapa bild, hur alla detaljer i bilden samverkar att utrycka det vi tänk. Som röd tråd genom alla bilder ska vi använda blommor av silkespapper.
Jag kan avslöja att min favorit-traditionsbärare, coola Anna Sjöbom, kommer att finnas med som en hjältinna i både foto och text i boken.

Soliga sommarhälsningar,

Eva Rune

torsdag 24 maj 2012

How to make paper flowers for weddings

Silk paper has always made me dream. It's the light that shines through, it's childhood memories, it's the imagination of Asian lanterns.

In the old days the wedding couple were decorated in paperflowers, in abundance. This is before the colour white became fashion for weddings. Think many colours, plenty of decorations, passion for bright colours.
For the photos in the song book of wedding songs we will use paper flowers as a theme through the whole photo session.
So, we have to make quite a lot of flowers, but we discovered yesterday evening it was both fun and not so complicated at all. This is how we did:

Fold a paper three times, the third folding will give the shape of a triangle. Cut the end to flower petals:

Place the two papers over each others and twist it to a rose.

Gabriella cutting paper. We used 15 x 15 cm big squares of paper for each flower.

Soliga hälsningar, Eva

lördag 19 maj 2012

Irmelin at Chamber Music Festival

We had a wonderful audience yesterday at Musikdagar i Gryt/Solbacka. Our concert is situated in a transformed stable, at Grytbergs Säteri. The wooden hall is really huge, and rennovated tastefully to a beautiful venue. As we were singing we had the view of glittering water outside the big windows behind the audience. It gave us much inspiration on a lovely springtime evening.

Evening sun right before our concert. Grytbergs Säteri is a restaurant with many facilities for weddings, wich they regularly cater for.

The "white industry". Yes, it's something I'm going to connect to, to spread my song book of wedding songs on the white industry market :-)

A very romatic place in spring times light light green. The little house is a sauna.

On the day before concert we were working a lot of Irmelin-stuff, both music and administrative, and all of a sudden we had this lovely sun + rain showering us.
Today on my travel back home again, the trains were a bit delayed wich gave me some time to quickly pop in at the local second hand in Gnesta. And now I'm a lucky owner to a hand made rug woven in a special techique named rosengång. Wich could be translated to something like rose walking. So from now on we are walking on roses here at home. Leo is trying his best doing the rose walk.

Leo has made the sofa into his little circus arena. So I covered it in my collection of similar rugs. I'm collecting theese old handmade rugs, it's so much handcraft, care and love woven into them. And I just love the style, the whole sense of theese old rugs and what they represent to me.

Now it's time to have some relax after many many days of work.
Movie-time could it be, crash on the sofa and see some nice movie....can't wait to have some weekend free time like most people have.

Rose walking Eva

söndag 13 maj 2012

Kinder und frieden sind das wichtigste

Greifswald Nordischer Klang 2012

Best thing to bring on this tour: my white warm winterjacket. I'm getting very attached to walk around in a warm täck-jacka.
My three choice of dresses for our performance never came in use, it was necessary to stay in my winterjacket during concert.

Backstage: Mats and french guitarist from Ary Moaris Band.

It's not so usual that the festival have send out roadies to meet us at the hotel and guide us to the venue. Three young women came to meet us. In the contract it was written in google-swedish that they will provide us with three caretakers/nurses.....

After the gig we were invited to dinner, and I had a very good tasting fish, but....it was like a needle cushion. And the needles were blue green. And I'm the slowest eater in the world, I had some work to do there with finishing my blue needle fish.

Sunday morning pottery market:

Kids in Greifswald on the potterymarket. When mama and papa is surfing the pottery market, there has to be something creative to do for kids.

Kinder und frieden sind das wichtigste..
This is so connected to cultural understanding, of course it's written on the wall outside the local book shop who also sell music.

St Spiritus, the venue where we played:

Back in Göteborg now, and it's still cold weather, but it doesn't mean so much. Good weather for a day of work! With a white warm jacket you'll get a long way.


fredag 11 maj 2012

Café in Göteborg where you can bring your dog

Yesterday I had a lunch meeting with Gabriella, graphic designer of my book of wedding songs and love songs. Here's Leo on his first book meeting. It's not allowed to bring dogs in most cafés and restaurants, but here's one exception. Condecco, situated in Compassen shopping mall. Good for us! Leo must learn all the parts of creative life, including meetings with other creative people.

The whole process of making the book will soon come to the photo sessions. We are having our friends coming in as models. I'm so much looking forward to create the scenes and the themes of the photos. Everything, every detail, will be concidered, so the artwork will correspond to our visions of each chapter.
Gabriella said, note this, she said - it was not my suggestion - that Leo could also be a model in the photo somewhere, because he's so photogenic :-)

Good evening from me in Greifswald, Germany.

onsdag 9 maj 2012

Learn to say no

This day was a long challenge, and I haven't felt so stressed in a long time. What is it? Haven't I had some time to relax after all the gigs in April? Is it the final process of creating the song book? Was it all the economical paper work and deadlines for applications and reports? Yes, I think so, and the out sight of looking to a mountain of new paperwork to be done. I almost felt like crying.

Isn't it amazing? All musicians I know say the same, it's just endless of administration eating up our time. And we all agree on how much we long to make music! Good meetings today, and visionary work compleeted, new plans for Hannu Kella and me in one project, and another project too together with some other musicians. So much to look forward too....I will tell you more later about this new thing coming up.

In the evening the relaxed-fun part of the day started. My daughter and I sat down to play Harry Potter-cards, eating forgotten Easter sweets we found, it had become a little bit hard, but who cares.

I would really like to share this with you. A lesson in how to say no, and to honest and loving to yourself and others. Could be the lesson of the day for me.

Last year I took a course in mindfulness. It was excellent, and I have since then used a lot of the lessons there. But I have to admit I should re-read some of it. It's easy to forget, to forget what's really important to me, and how I can take good care of myself.

Music music....

Time to put my two babies to bed....dog and daughter, two big sweethearts!

tisdag 8 maj 2012

Lindy hop für alle: in Winterthur

Live Swing aus Buenos Aires: Quinteto Fabuloso.

It's been partytime in Winterthur, Switzerland. Swing dance with live music, perfect for my dance starving feet. Liebe...

Can you see that red heart behind her?

Days now are somewhat in the now mans land, I just had deadline to fulfill my part of gathering songs for the song book, and now I've been given some more time because of other circumstances. I feel so happy I can go through everything once again and do it without a rush, but at the same time I feel like I'm hanging in the air. Much more difficult to get things done. Every day feels like an endless row of must-do things on a list, wich none of them is concerning the book. Oh, but some book related things has been achieved today. Good talks with Jobs-Lasse, great fiddler in Leksand, who has lot of knowledge about one of the songs. Great to get help directly from the source.

Time to switch over to recharging mood and have some sleep. Tomorrow is a brand new day.
